A Conversation for International Driving Etiquette

Seatbelt Laws

Post 1

Wolfman, Zaphodista :X (soon to be Zarquon again, or maybe not)

For many years in the United States it has been a law for the driver and front passenger to wear seatbelts, but many people have ignored it. But recently in Ohio and probably a lot of other states, a law has been passed allowing police officers to pull over and fine a motorist JUST for not wearing their seatbelt. So when traveling in the States, buckle up, not just for your safety, but for wallet's safety as well!

Seatbelt Laws

Post 2

Fruitbat (Eric the)

Canada's had a law about that for about ten years now, and being pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt happens, though not common.
What is common is being stopped in a road-block and being nailed for lack of seatbelt use while being checked for alcohol consumption.

(There's also mandatory motorcycle helmet wearing and now bicycle helmet wearing here, too. Both of which are common sense, although there are still a defiant or ignorant few....mind you, many riders will wear a helmet and precious little else, assuming that if their head survives, the rest is unimportant.)


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