Created | Updated Nov 5, 2003

This week we have some delightful film quotations for you to ponder over. We will give you a line
from a famous film, TV show or celebrity, and all you have to do is decide from the three answers
provided who would be most likely to of uttered it.
If you would like to send your answers to us here at we will give
you a mention in next week's edition. An email address has been handily provided for you below the
Who Said What?
- 'Finally, we come to my number two man. His name? Number Two.'
A. Jon Luc Picard
B. Dr Evil
C. Dr No - 'I maybe dead but I'm still pretty. Which is more than I can say for you.'
A. Buffy The Vampire Slayer
B. Yoda
C. Herman Munster - 'I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to
A. Terry Pratchett
B. J.K. Rowling
C. Douglas Adams - 'Doughnuts, is there anything they can't do?'
A. Greebo T. Cat
B. Homer Simpson
C. Jamie Oliver - 'No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space.'
A. James Kirk
B. Luke Skywalker
C. Ellen Ripley - 'Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.'
A. James Bond
B. Forrest Gump
C. Winnie The Pooh - 'Okay, Mulder, But I'm warning you if this is monkey pee you're on your own.'
A. Arthur Dent
B. Dana Scully
C. Virgil Tracey - 'I'm not fat I'm festively plump.
A. Bart Simpson
B. Fred Flintstone
C. Eric Cartman - 'Fazed plasma rifle in a forty watt range.'
A. The Terminator
B. Ben Kenobi
C. Neo - 'Hmmm. Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing, how embarrassing.'
A. Anakin Skywalker
B. Mace Windu
C. Yoda
Send your answers to [email protected], please include
your h2g2 researcher name and 'U' number, so credit can be given where it is due.
Correspondence should be with me no later than Monday 20th October 2003
Those that Deserve a Pat on the Back
Thank you for sending your answers in last week, there was a great response, here are those all
important results. Well done to you all.
The Gold Medal Winners are -
A. Dr Justin
AK nonexistent
Reveal the Rhyming Riddle Answer
The answer was simply to take the starting letter from every line in the riddle rhyme, put them
together and they spell out READ THE POST EVERY THURSDAY.