A Conversation for Water Towers
Max tower height
Phoenician Trader Started conversation Aug 30, 2006
My understanding is that the maximum useful height of a tower was 32 meters - above that you don't increase the water pressure because the air pressure balances it out (like 76 inches of mercury being the maximum pressure you can generate by putting it in a tower).
Is this true? Is the mercury comparison true?
Max tower height
sunny_rays Posted Nov 23, 2007
Sorry , you're wrong about that.
pressure builds the higher the watercolumn.
for instance in a deep see abyss presure rise aprox 1 atm every ten meters down.
So at a depth of 3km the pressure rises to a staggering 300 atm
the maximum hight however you can pump up water with a vacuum pump
lies at aprox 10 meters or 760 mmor 76 cm (not inch) mercury.
(1 atmosphere is equivalent to about 29.9 inches, or 760 millimeters, of mercury also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barometer)
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Max tower height
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