A Conversation for The Royal Mile, Edinburgh

The Royal Mile doesn't exist

Post 1

Scots Paul

The Royal Mile as a street doesn't actually exist. It is an invention of the council,for tourists, to describe a collection of five streets. Those streets are, (starting at the bottom of the castle esplanade, and running down to Holyrood Palace) Castlehill, Lawnmarket, High Street, Canongate, & Abbey Strand. That said, most Edinburgh residents refer to the majority of it as "the High Street". Edinburgh Castle isn't actually a Royal Residence, but a military establishment, (there are still soldiers posted inside the castle). The Castle is of course, also a major historical site, with various military museums, and most importantly is the home of the Scottish Crown Jewels. "The Royal Mile" finishes at Abbey Strand, at the gates of Holyrood House, the Official Residence of the Royal Family in Scotland. Within the grounds of Holyrood House/Palace lies the ruined remains of Holyrood Abbey, hence Abbey Strand.

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The Royal Mile doesn't exist

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