A Conversation for Vegetarianism

Quorn - don't you love it?

Post 61

The Wisest Fool

And a hollowed-out cow would make a handy canoe.

Hollowed out cow?

Post 62

Researcher 52232

Yes but imagine my moral dilemma. The very reason I could return to civilization and vegetarianism would be the death of a cow. Actually, not such a big moral dilemma after all. Yeah, the cow still gets it.

Respecting eating habits

Post 63

Cheerful Dragon

I used to know some one who COULDN'T drink. Alcohol did horrible things to her system. People treated her as if she was from another planet when she said she didn't drink. Either that or they assumed that she was a reformed alcoholic on the wagon.

Respecting eating habits

Post 64

Researcher 52232

A few points.

A) I'm assuming your friend is British or Australian. They're the only countries i'm aware of where one's ability to consume vast amounts of alcohol and then being sick is akin to winning the Nobel prize for literature.

B) On a more cynical note...at least there's always some handy to drive to pubs, clubs and parties.

Not Drinking

Post 65


Why pick on those two countries? You get just as many strange looks here in the US I think. Okay, maybe not just as many, but pretty damned close. Try it in Japan, too, I'd say. Or Russia. (Japan I know somewhat firsthand, Russia I don't, just assuming there.)


Post 66


sure eggs can be fertalized but they aren't always. growing up we kept a few hens--only hens--and always had plenty of eggs. I'll I"m saying is no rooster means no baby. might as well have an omlette.


Post 67


A laudable use of an otherwise wasted resource then.


Not Drinking

Post 68


The only time I visited Russia they seemed very fond of their vodka.
And you got very strange looks if you refused to drink some - even though you had the seemingly very reasonable excuse that as it was homemade it tasted like paintstripper (& had a similar effect if spilt on the table).


Not Drinking

Post 69

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Backing up a bit here. ...and of course there is a fine word that can be used as an opposite for vegetarianism - cannabilism

Not Drinking

Post 70

Ginger The Feisty

As a vegetarian I would just like to say that I do not think meat eaters should be called cannibals. What was wrong with carnivore?


Post 71


So we're all agreed - come armageddon we omnivores will be laughing up our sleeves at the ex-vegatarians?


Not Drinking

Post 72


Carnivores eat meat almost exclusively - like dogs & cats. While the term might apply to some humans, I think the correct term is omnivore.


Not Drinking

Post 73

Ginger The Feisty

I stand corrected!

Not Drinking

Post 74


Please feel free to resume your seat & eat.


Not Drinking

Post 75

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

It was a leather seat ...some vegan's eating it

Not Drinking

Post 76


Er, I don't know if it's just me or the powers that be causing hassle again but there is no way you could say this forum was running in conversation order.

And just so you know, tofu is probably the most awful crud I've ever tasted.

Not Drinking

Post 77

Ginger The Feisty

I think they've secretly changed things so when you reply it posts your input to the entry you hit reply to. It used to add it to the end of that particular thread but now it doesn't. It's a real pain on threads like this trying to find that elusive entry that happened only 4 minutes ago!

Not Drinking

Post 78


I agree with the item below mine.

Not Drinking

Post 79


A while back it seemed to be doing both. Maybe colour-coding for age of entries could be introduced now that the PTB have minions to do their editing for them.

Not Drinking

Post 80

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Yes or no, maybe, perhaps, but then again.....

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