A Conversation for Elvis Impersonators
Andy Kaufman
J Started conversation Jul 21, 2008
I heard once that Elvis thought that the comedian Andy Kaufman A1043173 did the best impression of him - quite a compliment.
Andy's routine would be to go on stage as his 'foreign man' character, giving several horrible impressions. (I would like to do an impression of meester Johnny Cash for you... Hello! I am meester Johnny Cash!) Then he would say he was going to do Elvis. In the early part of his career, it was before Elvis made his 'comeback', so he was considered just a washed up old singer. It would be like me going to a nightclub and saying I'm going to do an impression of The Spice Girls. The crowd would laugh, anticipating another horrible impression. But he would get into costume (wig, jacket, guitar, sequined pants) and just blow the audience away with a perfect impression of the man. Kaufman was actually a devoted Elvis fan his whole life.
In the film 'Man on the Moon', Jim Carey did an excellent job of playing Kaufman pretending to be a foreign man who was doing an Elvis impersonation.
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Andy Kaufman
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