Escape Pod Dreams - 124
Created | Updated Apr 20, 2006
The 'Don't Play With Your Food!' Issue

You heard it hear furst! People are Stupored!
I almost read an article in the tabloid USA Today the day before yesterday or so... People are being penalized and excoriated and made fun of because they are AFRAID TO FLY! Now, my question is, what with the electronic superhighway and telecommunications and faxed machines and all that, WHY WOULD ANYONE NEED TO FLY TO KEEP THEIR JOB? I mean, being able to fly on business is supposed to be a PERK, right? So anyone intelligent and capable enough to be hired by your stupid customer-overcharging firm who DOESN'T WANT TO FLY should be patted on the head and given a little bonus for the money they ARE SAVING YOUR STUPID COMPANY. Instead, execs are forcing employees to fly who don't want to. Other execs at other companies are demanding face to face meetings in order to buy some new PAPERCLIPS! Okay, I am exaggerinating a tiny bit, but still, what does anyone really need so bad that they have to have a face to face confab with a person from ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE COUNTRY? Haven't they ever heard of online searches? They can probably buy the same damned thing from somebody in their own state or county.
I think they should have shut the airlines down after that little incident in 2001. AND shortened or closed down all the buildings too tall to have an effective emergency escape plan or fire escape. And had a little emergency counseling with all the workaholic morons who think that everyone who works for them should be one, too.

More reasons why sharp onjects should not be allowed in the hands of parents:
1. 8:57 AM
More words you don't want your three year old saying to Granma with a smile...
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2. 9:57 AM
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3. 10:57 AM
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Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)
4. 11:57 AM
My lack of manners doesn't entitle you to insult me!
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)