The Jade Pagoda
Created | Updated Jun 6, 2003
Welcome to my pagoda, *bows*
I am rooftiler, Keeper of the Metronome and Society Engraver for the h2g2 Society of Time Travellers.
Please feel free to look around, but keep on this side of the rope - the other side is in a state of temporal flux at present, until I can configure it to show the Metronome in its present timeframe...
However, there's a time-space corridor over there to your right that leads to my roof, where I'm often to be found if I'm not here, or even if I am here [but I try not to time-loop myself too much!]
Jade-coloured swirly time-space corridor
*wanders off to fiddle with the control panel concealed behind an emerald-coloured curtain*