A Conversation for Computers In Science Fiction - Novels and Short Stories
What about Marvin?
dmks22 Started conversation Jan 4, 2004
How can you mention robots in H2G2 without mention of Marvin?
Also, they may not be in novells, but what about Zen, Orac, The Daleks/Davros etc. (this is a BBC site after all).
What about Marvin?
SchrEck Inc. Posted Jan 6, 2004
Hi dmks22,
you'll find Marvin at A1138547 Androids in SF. Doctor Who is mentioned in the other entries of this project, see the links at the top.
SchrEck Inc.
What about Marvin?
dmks22 Posted Jan 8, 2004
yes, I eventually found the doctor who bit, but I have to say that the exclusion of Marvin is a MAJOR FOPAR, and the editor should be shot for allowing it to pass.
What about Marvin?
SchrEck Inc. Posted Jan 8, 2004
Err, please don't shoot the Subeditor (me).
This whole thing is a project with links to the other entries at the top of each entry. You could just as well see the project as a really large single entry. As Marvin is dealed with in another entry of the project, he isn't mentioned here. That's it, full stop. What's the reason for mentioning him twice?
BTW, have you seen the title of the entry, 'Computers (!) in SF - ...' and I don't see Marvin being a computer.
What about Marvin?
dmks22 Posted Jan 10, 2004
I see where we are going, and it makes sense, but technically with a brain so large that it orbits a planet, Marvin must also classify as a computer.
well maybe that's streching it .
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What about Marvin?
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