The h2g2 Poem

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My Sleeping Dreamworld

I feel the darkness press against my mind

The nothingness of imagination, no substance of any kind

Afloat in a world where sensation is lost

Where colours, dreams and freedom, together are tossed

Sanctuary found, life slows and becomes still

A new world is born, by the pressure of will

Light and dark are mixed in the grey

Pleasure and pain, is it night or day

Endless prisms of life, reflections of death

My sleeping dreamworld, sanity bereft

A soul in prayer, to a God in despair

Adrift in a fantasy, reality nowhere

My awareness of life becomes a thing of the past

Both love and hate in tumult are cast

A bountiful palace of riches unrewarded

Dark dungeons of pleasures, so decadently sordid

Mysteries and secrets, needs and desires

Churning together, lighting my innermost fires

Bound by the shadow of evil and faith

My sleeping dreamworld, keeping me safe

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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