The Sub-Sub Basement: Vice Chairman's Study
Created | Updated Aug 19, 2003
You enter the chamber. It is a bit small for a study, which is reasonable as you're only in the lift. The doors close behind you, and there is a 'ping ping' sound as the lift starts. It descends through an inky darkness. After two minutes pass, you check your watch. The second hand is moving at an alarming rate, especially alarming because you were wearing a digital watch. Suddenly the lift stops. "Welcome to the Sub-Sub Basement, study of the Vice Chairman," a soothing voice says. "Remember, regular time may not apply. Enjoy your stay!" The lift's doors open.

The study is rather calming, after the ride on the elevator. It has beige walls, red carpeting, and a bookcase with books on time-spatial relativity, a guide to historic events throughout the past, and a book titled "The Proper Classification of Newspaper Advertisements".
Also, in the centre, there is a desk made of inlaid mahogany. Atop the desk is a plaque saying "Deus Ex Machina, Vice Chairman", an unused monthly planner, and a Sage iMac. Also on the desk is a panel with various buttons on it, apparently a time machine of sorts.
What does the Vice Chairman do?
Actually, this has never been fully resolved. Some members of the Society think that it has something to do with finding vices for chairs. The Vice Chairman has compiled the following list of responsibilities:
- Ordering people around
- Creating new and improved time devices
- and some other stuff I've forgotten. I'll put it up later.
U203906 is my Assistant Vice Chairman, who I make do all the work around here.