A Conversation for Deep-fried Brie on a Cumberland Sauce
clzoomer- a bit woobly Started conversation May 8, 2003
Thankyou for this recipe! Sounds delicious and seems easy. I have in the past liked my Brie with roasted garlic and a sweet chutney, but this seems even better!
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted May 8, 2003
Except for the deep-frying part, I think
this sounds intriguing. Surely the cubes of
unfried brie would be nice on the cumberland
sauce as well? Or am I a Philistine for
even thinking of doing this?
One question, though: what part of the meal
is this recipe suitable for? Appetizer?
Main course? Dessert? Hors d'oeuvres?
Between-meal snack? Prank to shock your
doctor the next time you get a cholesterol
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted May 8, 2003
Well, the Brie or Cammembert must be warm so it oozes all over the toast or whatever, so the deep fried part would be good for that. Since it is in for such a brief time I can't imagine it being *soaked* in the oil, and besides you would want to use a light oil or good olive oil.
As far as the course, I would have it as an hors d'oeuvre. I have had warm Brie and roasted garlic as an appetiser in restaurants. I would insist my date had some as well, though!
Whisky Posted May 12, 2003
Hi there... The question has already been answered but... yes, it's served as a starter.
(I've used it in two different restaurants... first discovered the recipe in a hotel I used to work in in the Lake District... Then exported it to a Restaurant I ran in Lyon - France... Once the French had gotten over the shock of what those strange english were doing to their cheeses they were hooked on the stuff
I've seen the sauce used for two other dishes as well... With a chicken liver pate - served with French toast (the really thin stuff) and as a sauce to accompany Lamb chops...
Bon appetit
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