A Conversation for 'Reasons to Be Cheerful' - the Song
Terry Teadreg Started conversation May 1, 2003
At the Tribute gig at the Brixton Academy, three months after Ian died, every visitor received a program with the credits and pix of all the bands and artists that took part in the concert.
The inner pages of the folder contained mostly photographs and drawings of Ian. The background of this was formed by the lyrics of "Reasons". On this document you can clearly read "Dominican Camels".
Searching the Internet with these words leads to all sorts of nonsense. One link, however, is about an American farmer who breeds camels and sells them all over the world. Quote: "He said the best market for him is selling camels to customers in Mexico and the Dominican Republic." (http://onlineshawnee.com/stories/112401/new_11.shtml)
So there must be camels over there...
In another story about South America I found a reference to a special type of public transport: buses nicknamed "Camels" as a result of their odd shape. It is not clear whether these buses are present in Havana only or also in the Dominican Republic. Quote: "One minute one could be in the Dominican Republic and another in Brazil. The transport is ancient and charming, people carriers are nicknamed 'Camels' because of there odd shape. These crazy buses carry 300 people and help to solve the rush hour. But in doing so they break the road surface because of their huge weight."
Personally I think Ian refers to the animals, it make more sense with the "all other mammals" that follows. Why these creatures, and in particular the ones from the Dominican Republic, are a reson to be cheerful remains a mystery to me.
Terry T-dreg
Demon Drawer Posted May 7, 2003
Cheers Terry this was the one line that caoused me as you can imagine the most difficulty to solve as some sites do list alternative lyrics as well. I trust the ambiguity comes across in the article.
This was a fun article but a tough one to complete.
Dan Posted May 12, 2003
Excellent idea for an H2G2 entry
I haven't got a copy of the song with me, but I seem to remember the camel line sounding like "double-decker camels" - or perhaps "double-decker Cammells" (Metro-Cammell being makers of buses and, I seem to remember, tube trains - they also built trams in the olden days). A lot of people experience strong feelings of happy nostalgia from old buses, trains, boats and planes. Maybe Ian Dury was on about that?
Mind you, the next bit about "all other animals" kind of suggests it is camels he's referring to, but he liked a good pun so Cammell would fit. Never heard it as "thumbing out candles" though.
Demon Drawer Posted May 12, 2003
Now that does make a bit of sense actually the Double Decker Camel that is.
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