A Conversation for 'Reasons to Be Cheerful' - the Song
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jonmusker Started conversation Aug 15, 2012
1. From listening, I believe the opening lyric is "Summer, Buddy Holly" not "some of Buddy Holly". I also think it a more likely lyric, a much stronger opening (what could make a englishman happier than Summer?)
2. "Balla Balla" is definitely repeated twice, not three times. "Balla balla balla and Volare" could not fit the rhyming pattern. I suggest Balla Balla is probably a reference to "My baby baby Balla Balla" by the Rainbows (sixties rock and roll) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rygeSv6pcPM
3. "Dimitri and Pasquale". GIven that it follows on from "Woody Allen, Dali" I suspect Dimitri refers to the clown of that name and Pasquale to the classical painter. Makes the line more symmetrical - a comedian, a painter, a clown, a painter. Dury studied art, so will have been familiar with (and made cheerful by) a wide range of artists.
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