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- 'Kes' (UG)
- 1st Law of Ice Cream (Joel's Observation) (UG)
- Day in the Life of the Stereotypical (American) Popular Teenage Female (UG)
- Dissertation Upon Roast Coffee (UG)
- Glimpse of Stocking - (UG)
- Guide to Woodworking Tools and Terms: (UG)
- Risky Business? (UG)
- Abiezer (UG)
- After Flixborough - (UG)
- An Epic Tale (UG)
- An alternative look at the origin of the Chicken (UG)
- Baby's Milk Travelled Well (UG)
- Bacchus and Ariadne (UG)
- British Summer Time
- Catalogues, And Their Clientele (UG)
- Cheese, Why It's Better Than You And Everything Else (UG)
- Combs, Pomade and the Meaning of Life (UG)
- Deconstruction and Tea - (UG)
- Food or friend? Why one man's pet is another man's paté (UG)
- Freud Slaps the Old Testament - (UG)
- Getting Around in Canada in the Winter (UG)
- Grand Design Interview - Why is the Earth Round? (UG)
- Grand Design Interview - Artificial Intelligence (UG)
- Grand Design Interview - The Meaning of Wife (UG)
- Grey Hair - A Cautionary Tale (UG)
- Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel (UG)
- How Pyramids Got Their Shape - Revealed (UG)
- How To Take Socks Off, And Live (UG)
- How To Train Cheese (UG)
- How many holes are there in our bodies and do we still need them all (UG)
- How to become President of the United Kingdom (UG)
- If Barbie is so Popular (UG)
- Interview with God - Art World (UG)
- Interview with God - Book World (UG)
- Langwich Skool uv Noo Yawk (UG)
- Living With Men - A Guide (UG)
- Long-Distance Slavery (UG)
- Loud Shirt (UG)
- Mizoram: cigarettes, tea, and the wild wild hills (UG)
- Moroccan Gins? (UG)
- My Life As a Guy (UG)
- Non Timetus Messor: The Blue Öyster Cult (UG)
- Northern Exposure - (UG)
- Odi et Amo in Aspen - (UG)
- On Being a Nerd (UG)
- Plymouth Barbican’s Giant Metal Prawn (UG)
- Quoted-In-Quotes - Blaine Taylor (UG)
- Redundancy: How to cope when you get involved. (UG)
- Secret Family Business (UG)
- See Us Pry: The Crying Scene Imperators (UG)
- Sleep and Studying Medicine - nap partners? (UG)
- Squirrels (UG)
- String Theory - The Alternative (UG)
- Ten Commandments of Airport Design and Operation (UG)
- Bubble Engine (UG)
- Conversation Killer (UG)
- Hithertoo Unknown Horrors of Wisdom Tooth Extraction - UG
- Mating Habits of the Common or Harbour Seal - (UG)
- Mole as a Weapon of War (UG)
- Pigeon Hive Mind (UG)
- Ratchet Ride to the Ravine (UG)
- Razor and the Curtain (UG)
- Sentience of Objects (UG)
- Toilet Roll Chicken (UG)
- Truth About Airplanes - (UG)
- Three Popes - or the Great Schism (UG)
- Too Much Information? (UG)
- Truth - (UG)
- What To Do When Your Air Conditioner Dies (UG)
- What to do when you are attacked by a camel (UG)
- Why I Hate Sheep (UG)
- Why the Number of Stupid People on Earth is Increasing (UG)
A to Z
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0-9 = Edited Entries that do not begin with a letter
Douglas Adams
"A collaborative guide, one that was written and kept up to date by the people who used it, in real time, might be a neat idea. I just didn't really realise that such a thing might be possible in my lifetime or how powerful such a thing might be."
A place to share knowledge and celebrate the things you love by writing about them
We have the first snowflake. Now let's build a blizzard
h2g2 founder Douglas Adams
Write an Entry
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."
The Foundation
Co-founded by the h2g2 community, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Foundation is an independent charity honouring Douglas Adams' memory by supporting people around the world trying to improve their communication skills, especially basic literacy skills.