Er... Hello

One of the things at which I'm not that brilliant is describing myself.

Where does one begin? I guess I'll just keep tapping away at the keyboard and see what emerges.

My choice of nickname was arrived at through some incredible ignorance. At first I selected the name 'Nonesuch': I'd once seen it on the base of a statue in the Welsh village of Portmeirion and thought it quite singular. As the word hadn't entered my vocabulary at the time, I foolishly took it to mean 'of no importance'. This is what I was striving to impart with my nickname, since I don't believe I have anything that stupendous to offer the world — I just do what I do.

So before submitting it I checked its official definition and found myself mildly shocked that I was apparently holding myself up as a 'person or thing that is unrivalled'. This would not do: I am 100% rivalled. I therefore sought another name that conveyed this and found 'Nonentity' to be the most pleasing.

As for my personal details, you don't really need to know that much. I am a 5'10" single man in his thirties, who resides in the South Western part of the UK with three cats and a dog. I work for a company that sells car parts to the motor trade and, thankfully to a lesser extent, the general public.

My interests are reading, computers (more specifically web design), digital photography/video and the cinema (which also means a burgeoning DVD collection). I also used to buy CDs in the days when people wrote songs.

My dislikes are most sports, Radio 1 and misuse of the apostrophe.


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Researcher U225438

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