One Man's Woodcraft Special: J's Carvings

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Rod shares some very old carvings he didn’t create himself

These bookends, in Maori style design, look as though they're made in Kauri wood. The other piece looks to be in Rimu wood and both have paua (abalone shell) inserts. Though I'm not sure that they are of those woods, those were and often are the first choice of carvers... if they can be obtained nowadays, as they're protected species.

Have you ever wondered how it is that old or even ancient artifacts are lost to us? Yes, you're probably right and I have here some minor direct evidence of that. The thought occurs that, on a larger scale, this kind of thing must have been quite common in years gone by (particularly relevant to large, upper class, houses through neither recognising nor caring that others may be interested in their old stuff).

A friend of ours visited today, bringing with her this pair of bookends and the three dimensional piece. They were made by her deceased husband's grandfather and that would have been at least 100 years ago. The bookends are nicely made but not otherwise particularly interesting. However, she said that the larger, 3D, carving is from a single piece of wood and, having inspected it closely, I believe her (and those bits hanging under the roof corners are free to move). Her grandfather was a chippie in the building trade.

Unfortunately the piece is split in a few places, due to drying out over the years through not being kept in suitable conditions and, though nicely made, is not of museum quality. I won't attempt to restore it at this stage – and wouldn't, anyway, whatever its quality.

She said she didn't have houseroom for it and I am to keep it or throw it, as she'd brought it along simply for my interest.

I have the interest but we don't have houseroom either - nevertheless I'll keep the pieces for a while, to give you a chance to bid for them... yes? - 50/50, her and a children's charity... No? Oh, OK then.

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