Doctor's Guide to MAGIC - Part Two

2 Conversations

This is the second article about Magic. Go to Doctor's Guide to MAGIC for the introduction. And if you are already familiar please read on...

I've had some questions posed and I've had some interest, and I hope this article will answer some questions, create several more questions and get more people involved in the middle.

Magnetic Bottles

These are partially good and, as any sort of a scientist of Magic, you should master. Unfortunately I didn't explain it as much because I was dealing with something else at the time. So, using the Angular curving principle start with a disk field and slowly increase until it has a cup shape bringing it round into the 3rd dimension as you go. Narrow off the top.

Now that you have mastered this technique you may want to do some of the following things.

  • Produce fireworks, maybe not a good as the chemically driven ones but still a good show.
  • A Blaster of some kind, good with fire me think.
  • Use it to store things in, especially if they are harmful or ugly.

Without Magnetic fields

I have had some comments about this. Now there are tricks that you can learn which don't involve magnetic fields but they are inherently unstable. Have a try... I did but with only limited amount of success.

One I do use a lot is healing, because it is submagic and really not one of the main states. Or energies.

Getting past the pencil.

Some people find it hard to move even the simple things to get them started. The pencil, as many will know, is the first item. Try and move then try and shoot it strait into a marker 200 feet away, great skill points but bad social points.

To aid this I have developed a new practice for the extreme beginner. Get your pencil and take the little rubber off the end. Put it down somewhere and poke it for a bit with your finger. This is what you want your mind to do. Now, after you're confident that your mind knows what it has to do, (because it really isn't as clever as we all like to think) without the aid of limbs, try and move it. Even if it's a small amount it all counts.

Good luck all you beginners.


I have already had a friend who burned down her entire user space with a fireball cast. So I warn you again be careful.
Use precautions, remember it's the black fire sprays for electrical equipment, the red water sprays won't work.

Disclaimer: This is only real on h2g2 and should not be attempted outside. h2g2 is not responsible for any planets destroyed or people hurt with this technology.


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