The Post Paper Chase 2

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Chase Number Two

Get your thinking hats on and try the second 'Paperchase' being run by The Post!

Not only will you have fun trying to crack the clues, you may well find an article that you haven't read before.

All the clues lead to an item which has appeared in The Post since its inception. They may, or may not, have a mention in the handy Back Issues pages, but crack the clue and that should give you an idea of where to start looking.

To win you need to add the final digit of each article (hopefully after reading it first) and send the sum total to shazzPRME, being careful to mark the subject 'Post Paper Chase 2', or it may be overlooked! There is an h2g2 Tshirt for the first correct answer received!

There are twelve clues in total, and the answer is definitely more then twenty! The trail-layer apologises for a small loss of concentration around the half-way mark... hopefully this won't detract from your enjoyment!

The theme this time is 'travel'.

Clue Number One

This time we're roving

To places far and wide.

First stop; a Capital River

For a virtual ride


03.05.01. Front Page

Back Issue Page

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