Just for Fun

1 Conversation

Hey there. it's time for another bumper filled edition of Just For Fun! Have a great Halloween everyone, remember if an orange cat knocks on your door, give her a box of doughnuts... It's really not worth annoying her you know...

It's A Wrap

The weekly quiz, based on Film. The names of the researchers who send in all the correct answers will be published in next weeks POST. All answers MUST be in by Friday 3rd November 2000.

Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves
  1. Who wrote the music for the film?
  2. What is the name of the forest in which Robin and his men lived?
  3. Who played Robin Hood?
  4. Who played King Richard?
  5. Which of the following was not one of Robin's men? Bill Scarlet, Friar Tuck or Little John.

The answers to last weeks question and a list of researchers with all correct answers, can be found below.

Joke of the Week

Two trucks loaded with a thousand copies of Roget's Thesaurus collided as they left a New York publishing house last Thursday, according to the Associated Press.

Witnesses were stunned, startled, aghast, taken aback, stupefied...

Name That Song

Each week I will print a quote from a song, all you have to do is guess the title of the song and who sang it. Answers will be published in next weeks Post. This one is 'Just For Fun' folks, so don't E-Mail me the answers.

This weeks quote:-

'And through it all she offers me protection, A lot of love and affection...'

Best on the Web

Each week I try to show you a page on the web that has got to win an award somewhere, even it is 'The Oddest Web Page on the Net Award'. So if you know a web page that I should check out for inclusion in this section, then e-mail me and let me know. Remember to keep it clean folks...

Have you ever visited Joe Cartoon?

This site is not for the faint hearted, so if you are a little squeamish don't go... You have been warned!!


Letters to the Cat

Now some of the best letters sent in this week, keep them coming in folks.

Some letters may be edited due to space limitations


I received this in my email as a forward, but it's fun.

Chocolate Math

This freaks me out. It only takes 30 seconds....... Work this out as you read.
  1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate. (Try for more
    than once but less than 10)
  2. Multiply this number by 2 (Just to be bold)
  3. Add 5. (For Sunday)
  4. Multiply it by 50. I'll wait while you get the calculator................
  5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1750. If you haven't, add 1749.
  6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born. (If you remember!)

You should now have a three digit number.

The first digit is your original number (i.e., how many times you want to have chocolate each week)

The second two digits are your age.



Does this mean I can eat all that choccie without feeling guilty Kumetanzuka?


Dear Greebs

Spied this Top Ten list of Children's Costumes for this years Halloween. It's supposed be compiled by Halloween Experts at Party City, whoever they are???

1. Powerpuff Girls

2. Pokemon

3. Barbie

4. Power Rangers

5. Scream

6. Batman

7. Digimon

8. Blues Clues

9. Hippie

10. Dragonball Z

H2G2 Researcher.

At least I will be prepared, though someone please tell me, what Powerpuff Girls and Blues Clues are?


As usual nobody got all the answers right to last weeks It's A Wrap, bad luck all those that sent in.

Oh, before I forget, here's an apology to Munchkin. It seems that 'It's A Wrap', is making him think at work. Shame that you didn't get the date right last week. So close, only 7 years out.


  1. Jean-Paul Gaultier
  2. Earth, Wind, Fire and Water
  3. Gary Oldman
  4. Bruce Willisl
  5. 2257


You'll be in my heart by Phil Collins


Send your quiz answers, jokes, letters and anything else to me here:-
Greebo T. Cat

Please Write 'JUST FOR FUN' in the Subject Line, or your letter may be overlooked.

Thanks again everyone...


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