Not Scientific Science

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Time travel: sci-fi?

When you look at the clear night sky, you see stars - those tiny
diamonds suspended in the vast pitch-black emptiness. But stars shine
because...? Our own sun, which is a star, emits light. Stars are like
giant bulbs but are much more powerful.

Light travels at a speed of 3.0*108m/s in vacuum and space is
mostly vacuum. In other words light can cover a mighty distance of 300,000,000m in only 1 second!

The thing is that 300,000,000m is a just one of those small amounts
in space. Other stars are billions of kilometres - let alone
metres - away. Astronomers in fact use light year as the unit for
distance. One light year is the distance travelled by light (in
vacuum) during one year. Therefore one light year equals (300,000,000*3600*24*365)m.

A single light year is definitely huge: 9.46 trillion kilometres - no
need to put this in digit form - in fact. But where exactly do I want to
converge? A star that you see in the night sky is not one but many
light years away. This means that it is very far away. But most
importantly, it means that light from this particular star takes many
years - and not mere seconds - to reach your eyes! So what?

When you watch a star, you are actually only seeing the light it
emitted years ago. At present, the star may be somewhere else in the
night sky. (Stars do move in space). It might have deflected a little
to the east or north or north-northeast. The star is still emitting
light though. This light will however be seen in the following decades
or even centuries; or simply next year.

When you watch stars at night, you are actually looking in the
past. So who or what is time travelling? The star? You? Or light? The
further something is from you, the further in the past you are
penetrating into.

Maybe then, someday, the newest technologies will be able to
observe these seconds after the Big Bang - if it ever occurred in the
first place.

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