The h2g2 Poem

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When I was young it used to come

Around the end of fall.

And roar in like a lion,

Winds and frost would chill us all.

The streets they’d often sparkle

With that twinkling frosty dust,

And we’d slip and slide our way to school -

In rubber soles we’d trust

The rain we got was more than wet

And cold as cold could be.

It would freeze around late afternoon

To ice we couldn’t see.

Then later if our folks permit,

We’d wrap up warm and play.

Making slides upon the pavement,

Skidding happily away.

Then the frost would fall again

And our slide become a danger.

For the old dears in the morning,

Or an unsuspecting stranger,

So we’d dust it over with some salt

To work it’s melting magic,

And return the ice to water,

Before causing something tragic.

But all that happened years ago,

Before the seasons changed.

Now Autumn’s like late summer,

And winter’s lost it’s rage.

Although it still provides a little bite

With sudden snow or storm,

It is sadly the exception -

Pleasant weather is the norm.

So this is just a little memory

To share with those to come.

In olden days, though cold and wet,

Winter could be fun.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

Poetry by Fizzymouse


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