QED 38

1 Conversation

Some time ago I did some very simple questions about your very own Post for you to ponder over

and I have decided to do it again. There are only ten of them, and we have helpfully even provided

the answers. All you have to do is sort out which of the three possible answers is the correct


If you would like to send your answers to us here at smiley - thepost we will give
you a mention in next week's edition. An email address has been handily provided for you below the

Yet More Profound Post Puzzles.

  1. Who reviewed 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' and 'Enigma' in 2001?
    A. Awix
    B. HPB
    C. Jedi Jade

  2. Who wrote the story 'Errors of Comedy'?
    A. MaW
    B. Danny B
    C. Titania

  3. Who recently took some 'Time Out in Africa'?
    A. Shazz
    B. Sprout
    C. Pastey

  4. The_Jon_m's wonderful series of articles about Manchester, music and misadventure is

    A. Mancunian Music
    B. Mancunian Nights
    C. Mancunian Blues

  5. According to Tonsil Revenge, what kind of creature is dancing?
    A. Platypus
    B. Albatross
    C. Pigmy Elephant

  6. Who won the third round of 'Word Play'?
    A. Mort
    B. Kandyman
    C. Shazz

  7. Who did the artwork for the series of articles called ' Otto Fisch's Cod Philosophy'?
    A. Otto Fisch
    B. Doctor MO
    C. Greebo T. Cat

  8. Who wrote 'The End of the Pier Revue' parts 1-4?
    A. Atlantic_Cable
    B. Pinniped
    C. Smudger

  9. What kind of animal is on the front of 'Rev Jack's Diary'?
    A. Dog
    B. Cat
    C. Budgie

  10. Who is the person who has answered the most questions correctly in the QED quiz?
    A. Pond_Rat
    B. A Dr. Justin
    C. Toy Box

Send your answers to [email protected], please include
your h2g2 researcher name and 'U' number, so credit can be given where it is due.
Correspondence should be with me no later than Tuesday 24th August 2004

Those that Deserve a Pat on the Back

The Trophy Winners are -
St Demon Drawer - All Ten
Questions Correct.
quizzical - All Ten Questions
Titania - All Ten Questions
GodBen - All Ten Questions
greenkinsy - All Ten Questions Correct.
A. Dr Justin - All Ten Questions Correct.
Pond_Rat - Nine Questions

smiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - donutsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - cat

European Capitals Answers

  1. Austria
    B. Vienna
  2. Denmark
    B. Copenhagen
  3. England
    C. London
  4. France
    B. Paris
  5. Germany
    B. Berlin
  6. Italy
    A. Rome
  7. Luxembourg
    C. Luxembourg
  8. Norway
    A. Oslo
  9. Sweden
    A. Stockholm
  10. Spain
    A. Madrid

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Greebo T. Cat

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