QED 32

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This week is the last week of the Wimbledon Tennis Championship, so this week's QED is full of Love, Strawberries and Balls. We have picked ten Gentleman Champions from the Players Rolls of Honour and all you have to do is pick out from the three possible years given, in which did they win. All you have to do is sort out which of the three possible answers is the correct one.

If you would like to send your answers to us here at smiley - thepost we will give
you a mention in next week's edition. An email address has been handily provided for you below the

Gentleman's Singles Champions

  1. Bjorn Borg
    A. 1974
    B. 1975
    C. 1976

  2. Goran Ivanisevic
    A. 2000
    B. 2001
    C. 2002

  3. Pat Cash
    A. 1987
    B. 1988
    C. 1989

  4. Boris Becker
    A. 1988
    B. 1989
    C. 1990

  5. Jimmy Connors
    A. 1980
    B. 1981
    C. 1982

  6. Roger Federer
    A. 2001
    B. 2002
    C. 2003

  7. Stefen Edberg
    A. 1990
    B. 1991
    C. 1992

  8. Andre Agassi
    A. 1990
    B. 1991
    C. 1992

  9. Pete Sampras
    A. 2000
    B. 2001
    C. 2002

  10. Lleyton Hewitt
    A. 2001
    B. 2002
    C. 2003

Send your answers to [email protected], please include
your h2g2 researcher name and 'U' number, so credit can be given where it is due.
Correspondence should be with me no later than Tuesday 6th July 2004


Those that Deserve a Pat on the Back

Gold medal

The Gold Medal Winner is -
A. Dr Justin - All Ten Questions Correct.

The Runner Up is -
Broelan - 4 Questions



What's in the Middle Answers

  1. Leonardo DiCaprio (Actor)
    C. Wilhelm
  2. Hugh Grant (Actor)
    A. John Mungo
  3. Robson Green (Actor / Singer)
    B. Golightly
  4. Joan Collins (Actress)
    B. Henrietta
  5. Uma Thurman (Actress)
    A. Karuna
  6. Emile Heskey (Sport)
    A. Ivanhoe
  7. Joseph Fiennes (Actor)
    B. Alberic
  8. Mark Knopfler (Singer)
    C. Freuder
  9. Ben Affleck (Actor)
    A. Geza
  10. Mel Gibson (Actor)
    B. Columcille

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