Not Scientific Science

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  1. Your body produces about 80 million neutrophils per minute. Neutrophils form about 60% of all white blood cells travelling in the blood-flow. White blood cells are those cells which fight pathogens during an infection. Now, that makes you wonder how many cells your body actually produces in one day, doesn't it?

  2. Next time you're in the loo, do recall to take to take a long and good sniff before you flush. No jokes! Then think how your body's inside stinks.

  3. Homosexual animals exist, in case you didn't know. Male bighorn sheep bond through anal intercourse and genital licking and yes, ejaculation does occur. Other animals that can be gay include giraffes, bottlenose dolphins, killer whales and gray whales, amongst others. With this, some scientists are starting to question Darwin's sexual selection because the father of biology apparently neglected all gay animals. Oh yeah, Japanese macaques are lesbians, by the way.

  4. According to de Broglie's wave-particle duality theory, any wave can also be treated as particles. Consequently, one can also expect a particle to act like a wave in some circumstances. But when does a wave actually behave as a particle or vice-versa? Bring on the next Einstein, I say!

  5. A vaccine is in fact an injection of antigenic material, which may be dead pathogens or some living one themselves. This results in an immune response. The immune system is in this way prepared for any 'natural' attacks by this same pathogen that may occur in the future.

  6. HIV is short for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, while AIDS is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. As you see, the causative agent is HIV, while the disease is AIDS and not vice-versa. Not to be confused, people.

  7. Bind two amino acids together and you'll end up with a dipeptide. Bind three of them and you'll obtain a tripeptide. Now, bind many hundreds of them and you'll get a protein. Now, same thing with nucleotides: bind two of them to get a dinucleotide, three of them and you get a trinucleotide and a multitude of them so you get a nucleic acid. Yep, RNA and DNA and stuff.

  8. Biology + Chemistry = Biochemistry, Physics + Chemistry = Physical Chemistry, Biology + Physics = Biophysics!

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