Wonko Pharmaceuticals®

4 Conversations

Welcome to Wonko Pharmaceuticals®!

A division of Wonko Inc.®!

Currently we are selling one product, a cure for nausea, headache, sneezing, diarrhea, and vomiting:

Feeling queasy? Something make yousmiley - ill? Try Wonko's Insta-cure today for instant relief! Call 1-800-INOPUKE for a free sample.
Wonko Inc. cannot guarantee that this product will be completely effective. Side effects may include but are not limited to: paleness, headache, heartache, shortness of breath, hair loss, insanity, malformed fingers, stomach clench, blus splotches on skin, welts, warts, hives, measles, mumps, rebella, whooping cough, cancer, AIDS/HIV, syphilis, tubercolosis, throbbing veins, bursting veins, rabid heartbeat, soreness, internal bleeding, hemorrhaging, vomiting, diarrhea, shrunken heads, rapid decrease in height, heart attacks, aneurisms, unexplained death, any other concievable medical problem, any combination of the above, and of course whatever affliction you were attempting to do away with in the first place. Call 1-800-INOSURE if you are not sure if this product is right for you.

-Has just completed research on an antidote for the liquid in Acid Override's hip flask.

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