The h2g2 Poem

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It was always very foggy in the classroom

And, when you realize we were all six,

You couldn't blame it on the fag smoke

The nine year olds used to

Surreptitiously puff behind

Teachers back.

Mine was a world of rainbow hues,

Of jumpers, muffled giggles,

Sniggering whispers

And laboriously drawn shapes,

The crayons screeking their way

Across the pages, and smeared

Outlines of white and sickly maroon

On the vaguely oblong blackboard.

The teachers voice asking me

Again and again and again

Hadn't I finished copying yet?

Later on, when I began to wear

Bottle bottoms in frames, and

Caught up with my letters,

I realised they were the only compensation

I had for the loss of rainbow hues,

Of blissful ignorance.

smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

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