168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

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The <br/>
Official 168 graphic by DoctorMO

Part Eighteen

Terry Horowitz had told Norman his life story, about his mother's cat, his sister's boyfriend, and all about his own past relationships. None of which had interested Norman in the slightest, and so he had decided to give Terry a small shock just for good measure. Norman was just about to fall asleep when Terry mentioned that he had walked through his bathroom door.


'I walked through my bathroom door.'

'So how did you manage that?'

'I don't know, it sort of happened.'

'So does this happen often?'

'No, just the once. But I did fall through the Earth to some strange waiting room.'

Norman now nodded in recognition, and - frustratingly - seemed to have lost all sense of direction, as far as his questioning was going, anyway. Thankfully someone walked through the door at that moment.

'Norman,' said Gospot as he walked through the door. 'It's time.' This did not sound good to Terry.

When the space vessels had flown over their encampment, most of the members of the Callack organisation had been sucked up like ants into a vacuum cleaner by the combined forces of the people whom their enemies had gathered together. However, a few had eluded capture when Talia had seen the ships approaching and come back to warn them.

For most it was too late, but Turk, Talia, the Precogiotee and a couple of others had all managed to escape in to a solitary spherical vessel. This vessel was now silently, and undetected, following the cargo ship holding Revo Recma, Aelric, Erthgi and a large number of members of the Callack organisation.

'I don't see the point of this!' said Talia angrily.

'Look, at the moment the Callack organisation doesn't even exist. The biggest group of members is in that ship there. We need to try and free them.'

Talia just quietly simmered. The sphere followed on quietly, in the wake of the giant cargo vessel.

'Erm, Sir?', said Erthgi nervously to Revo Recma.

'Yes?' grunted Recma.

'Who are you?'

'I'm Revo Recma.'

'You're not going to kill us are you?'

Recma threw his head back and laughed. 'No, of course I'm not, little man,' said Recma, as he smashed in a door to his left hand side. Both Erthgi and Aelric looked at each other nervously, not sure whether to take much comfort in his words. 'Come on,' continued Recma, 'help me unbind some of these people.'

Inside the room were a group of men who belonged to the Callack organisation. As they untied them they started waking up.

'Recma,' struggled to say one of them as he came around.

'Yes, Khars?'

'How did you get free? Didn't they bind you too?', asked Khars.

'They thought I was dead,' smiled Recma, as he untied some more people.

'You did that trick of yours, didn't you?' asked Khars.

Recma grinned. 'Come on, we need to take over the ship.'

Terry Horowitz was, of course, on a different ship, which was now on its way through a white barrier in space. On the other side of the barrier was a platform, with two figures standing on it. When the ship docked Terry Horowitz was forced off the ship at gun point down the metallic ramp, towards the two figures. The figures were cloaked in dark blue garments with only their mouths visible.

Terry was then thrust in front of them. Terry looked up from his position on the floor. They grinned. 'We've been expecting you Mr Horowitz...'

The 168th

Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute



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