
5 Conversations

When Germans eat they eat almost any time bread (Brot). More than
other countries Germany has a great variety of different kind's of
bread. Bread differs in composition, size, grain size, etc. (and
taste, and
digestion of course).

Furthermore the names for similar types differ from area to area.
For example there is a family of bread of a small size popular for
eating for breakfast or accompaning soup or salad dishes. In some
areas they are simply called "Brötchen", which is a translation for
"little bread". In Berlin - as far as I know - they are called
"Schrippen" or "Semmel", in the Saarland they are called "Halbe Weck"
(I wonder what the baker has done to the other half of it?!?
smiley - silly)

This is actually not a new topic to talk about, for there already
is a comprehensive and now edited entry on it.

Anyway, you can contribute to this entry by telling about

Your Favorite Kind of Bread.

Do you want to let the world have a look at special recipes.
Let's start a collection of bread names and types. International
contributions are appreciated, as well!

  • Trillian's Child1 likes a
    fresh loaf with sunflower seeds in it best. Nice and nutty and
    delicious just with fresh butter.
  • HollePolle likes any dark and cross
    bread with full seeds
    best, with "Rübenkraut" as favourite
  • Yevrah Niai's favourite bread is Turkestan - a wholemeal loaf with seeds and honey.
  • White bread buns, straight out of the oven, pulled apart with
    a knob of butter on top
    are Archangel Galaxy
    favourites. As a representative of heaven she
    recommends plum bread for Christmas! {Again, served with
  • Guru Jimi X likes those long, thin loaves of French bread. They're great with a bit of brie or butter or even olive oil.
  • Doesn't really matter to Phoenix what kind it is, although he's not too partial to white bread. His favourites are nice warm corn bread with butter and honey, or maybe a yummy peanut butter and honey sandwich on freshly made wheat bread.
  • Most preferable to Aurora are the ends of dark bread loafs with a crunchy crust and pumpkinseeds, still warm and with just a bit of butter.
    I have to agree: HMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!
  • I don't know if all Danes prefer rye bread

Finally, why not talk about


Feel free to contribute. Maybe somebody else already has or should
start a new entry on this.:-) I will put a reference in this entry, then.

Guten Appetit!

1editor of
the entry on "German Bread" mentioned before.

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