The Overamped Bass

4 Conversations

One of the less inspired acts to grace our stage

Welcome To The Overamped Bass

Welcome to the Overamped Bass! While the H2G2 community is positively overflowing with concert halls and symphony orchestras, there has up until now been a lacuna in the market for musical entertainment. You may be surprised to learn that there is not one small club venue in the whole of H2G2!

Well, all that has changed now! We promise here at the Overamped Bass to provide everything you have come to know and love about small gig venues. We promise:

  • Always to amplify the bass of whatever band is playing at the expense of all other instruments
  • To have an audience consisting of five drunken students pretending to be Goths who'll throw up on the floor
  • To overcharge for the weak, foul-tasting beer
  • To put on any band, regardless of musical talent, ability, or ownership of instruments.


We are currently looking for people to serve as bar staff. Also anyone wishing to play may submit their demos at The Demo Post, or just post a message here. Our musicians are all members of The Musicians Guild

We are also considering building a recording studio for H2G2...

So whatever your musical taste (so long as it involves out of tune guitars, bass amplified above all else, and drunk students shouting in your ear), sit down (on the floor, no chairs provided) and enjoy the show...

We will open on Saturday, with a gig by non-legendary band Stealth Munchkin. This gig will be free and will start at 7PM precisely.

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