5 Conversations

You know the sort of thing.., the throwaway remark or the off the cuff quip that goes down in history. The sort of line that was probably never intended to become famous, but somehow caught the public imagination and now everyone knows it and it creeps into everyday conversation. You may not know where it's from or who said it but here's just a few of them, maybe you know more...

'Here's looking at you kid.' Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca.
'Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.' Bogie again.'Play it once Sam, for old times sake.' (NOT 'Play it again Sam) Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca.
'Why you crazy? the fall will probably kill you.' Butch Cassidy to the Sundance kid just before jumping into a ravine in the film of the same name.
'You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off.' Michael Caine in The Italian Job.
'I honestly think you ought to calm down, take a stress pill and think things over' HAL 9000 computer to Dave Bowman after locking him out of the Discovery spacecraft in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

'Fasten your seat belt, it's going to be a bumpy ride.' Bette Davis in All About Eve.
'You know how to whistle don't you? just put your lips together and blow.' Lauren Bacall.
'Come up and see me sometime.' Mae West.
'He's not The Messiah, He's a very naughty boy.' Brians mother in The Life of Brian.
'The name's Bond, James Bond.' Sean Connery as James Bond.
'Made it Ma, top of the world.' James Cagney in White Heat.
'We'll make him an offer he can't refuse.' Marlon Brando as the Godfather.

'It's been emotional.' Vinnie Jones in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
'You're going to need a bigger boat.' Chief Brodie in Jaws.
'Mother's not feeling very well at the moment.' Norman Bates in Psycho...Who also said 'A boys best friend is his mother.'
'You gotta ask yourself one question, Do I feel lucky...Well, do ya punk..' Clint Eastwood as Harry Callaghan in Dirty Harry.
'I gotta know.' Punk to Dirty Harry. (Click)
'A berhm, what berhm?' Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau in The Pink Panther. (ok, you try spelling it.)
'Use the force Luke.' Obi Wan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars.
'The force will be with you, always.' Obi Wan again. Actually old Obi had quite a bit to say...'Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him.'
'Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room.' Peter Sellers as The President in Dr Strangelove, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.
'That's not supposed to happen.' A technician in the control room of Westworld.

'I think you're trying to seduce me Mrs Robinson....You are trying to seduce me aren't you Mrs Robinson?' Dustin Hoffman as Benjiman to Anne Bancroft's Mrs Robinson in The Graduate.
'E.T. Phone home' A very odd looking plastic model in Stephen Spielburg's film.
'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.' Rhett Butler to Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind.
'I'll be back.' Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator.
'Hasta la vista, baby' Arnie again.
'Yippee Ki Yay.' Bruce Willis in Die Hard.
'Here's Johnny..' Jack Nicholson taking off the Johnny Carson show in The Shining.
'It's Showtime...'Michael Keeton in, and as Beetlejuce.
'I'm not gonna be ignored.' Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.
'You shoot off a guy's head with his pants down, believe me, Texas is not the place you want to get caught.' Susan Sarandon as Thelma in Thelma and Louise.

'Born to be Wild...Keep ya Motor Running.' From the sound track music of Easy Rider by Mars Bonfire. (OK, I know it's not really a quote but I like it.)
and again from Easy Rider..'Here's to the first of the day fellahs, to old D H Lawrence.' Jack Nicholson as George who then flaps his elbows against his sides a la chicken, and continues with those unforgettable words.. 'Nick nick nick nick, fuh, fuh fuh .....Indians.'
'Ahhheee Yaaaaahhhh Ayaaaaaa....' Tarzan in the trees.
'Me Tarzan, you Jane.' What everyone remembers as Johnny Weismullers Tarzan to Jane.
'We've come on holiday by mistake.' From Withnail & I.
'That's just the lemon next to the pie...It's going to get bigger.' Bear, in 'Big Wednesday' as he looks out on a HUGE surf groundswell storming onto the beach in the moonlight.
'I was reading a book the other day, and it said that mechanisation would take over in all the professions.' Mae West to an older woman. 'I don't think that need worry you dear!' Older Woman to Mae.

'You ought to see them from my side.' Lee Marvin as the gunfighter Kid Sheleen in Cat Balou on being told his eyes look bloodshot the morning after the night before.
'There can be only one.' Christopher Lambert as MacLeod in Highlander.
'Gooooood Morning, Viet Nam !! Robin Williams as Adrian Cronauer in the film of the same name.
'I coulda been a contender.' Marlon Brando as Terry in On tne Waterfront.
'Infamy, infamy, they've all got it in for me.' Kenneth Williams as Julius Caesar in Carry on Cleo'
They're hot chief! They've got fire in their eyes, hunger in their bellies...and great big shoes on their feet. manager in Spiceworld
''Wait a minute, wait a minute.. You aint heard nothing yet.' Al Jolson in The Jazz Singer. (also the first spoken words in the movies.)

'So why don't you make like a tree and get outa here' Biff Tannen in Back to the future.
'It must be so hard for you Victoria. I mean, having to decide whether to wear the little black Gucci dress, the little black Gucci dress or... the little black Gucci dress.' Sporty Spice to Posh Spice in Spice World.
'That'll be the day.' John Wayne as Ethan Edwards in The Searchers. Which is also thought to be the inspiration for Buddy Hollies disc of the same name.
'Tha' Hell you will.' The Duke again.
'We're not worthy, we're not worthy.' Wayne and Garth in Waynes World.
'EX-cellent!' Wayne again.
'Greed is good, greed is right, greed works.' Gordon Gekko in Wall Street.
'Always look on the bright side of life.' Eric Idle and the song from the soundtrack of The Life of Brian.
'O K..what did the Romans ever do for us?' John Cleese for the Judean Liberation Front, or was it the Liberation Front of Judea? also in The Life of Brian.

'That's not a knife,.. That's a knife..' Paul Hogan as Crocodile Dundee in the film of the same name.
'Lets run this up the flagpole and see who salutes it.' Juror 12 in Twelve Angry Men.
'You talkin to me? You talkin to ME?' Robert De Niro as Travis, inTaxi Driver.
'Show me the money...SHOW ME THE MONEY !' Tom Cruise as Jerry Maguire.
'You're one groovy baby...baby.' Austin Powers. International Man of Mystery.

'That's quite a dress you almost have on.' Gene Kelly in An American in Paris.
'Hey, Johnny, what you rebelling against?'..... 'Whaddya got?' Peggy Maley and Marlon Brando in The Wild One.
'The pellet with the poison's in the vessel with the pestle, the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true.' Danny Kaye in The Court Jester.
'We rob banks.' Warren Beatty as Clyde Barrow in Bonnie and Clyde.
'No Mr Bond, I expect you to die.' Gert Frobe as Auric Goldfinger to James Bond who is having a 'moment' with a laser in Goldfinger.
'I ate his liver with some fava beans and a good Chianti..., sst,sst,sst,sst. sst.' Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal (The Cannibal) Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs.
'You're tearing me apart...' James Dean in Rebel Without A Cause.

Latest Additions (THE DIRECTORS CUT)

'I vant to be alone..' Greta Garbo in Grand Hotel, who also said in Anna Christie, 'Gimme a whisky with ginger ale and dont be stingy, baby'.
'And tomorrow is another day' Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind.
'Shaken, not stirred' James Bond again ordering his Vodka Martini in most of the early Bond films.
'Bah! Humbug' Alistair Sim as Scrooge in A Christmas Carol.
'There's no place like home' Judy Garland as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz.
.'...and stop calling me Shirley'. Leslie Nielson as Dr Rumak in Airplane.
'Altogether it's a entirely different kind of flying' ...Airplane again.
'...but that's not important right now' More Airplane
'I love the smell of napalm in the morning' Robert Duvall as the Helicopter gunship commander Lt Col Kilgore in Apocolypse Now, who also said 'Charley don't surf'.
'Stupid is as stupid does' Tom Hanks as Forest Gump telling us what his mother always used to say.
'Life is like a box of choclates, you never know what you're going to get' More Forest's mum.
'Go ahead, make my day' More Dirty Harry from Clint Eastwood in Sudden Impact.
'It's Catch 22' Yossarian, played by Alan Arkin in.. erm.. Catch 22.
'We're on a mission.' Dan Ackroyd as Elwood in The Blues Brothers.

'Feed me!' Audry 2, the plant in The Little Shop of Horrors.
'Yeh, that's my name, don't wear it out' John Travolta's Danny in Grease.
'Now pay attention 007..' Desmond Llewellyn as Q in most Bond films.
'Hang on a minute lads, I've got a great idea' Micheal Caine in the Italian job again.
'Yeth, and I'm only thixteen..' The patients daughter in Doctor in the House.
'Oooh.., matron!' Kenneth Williams in Carry on Nurse.
'I feel a need... A need for speed' Tom Cruise as Maverick and Anthony Edwards as Goose in Top Gun.
'Err.. What's up doc'? Bugs Bunny.
'I taught I taw a puddy tat' Tweety Pie.
'Sufferin Sachatach' Sylvester the cat.
I'm walking here' Dustin Hofman as Ratso Ritzo in Midnight Cowboy,
'Thats all folks' Merrie Melodies.
'Thats another fine mess you've got me into' Oliver Hardy to Stan Laurel in most of their films.
'Schmokin' ' Jim Carrie in, and as, The Mask.
'There's no business like show business' Ethel Merman belting out the title song.
'Cut me'. Sly Stallone as the Italian Stallion, Rocky in the film of the same name.

'Be afraid, be very afraid.' Veronica Quaife as the girlfriend in the 1986 remake of 'The Fly' to the fly's pick-up for the evening.

Nuke 'em from orbit. Alien/s

and Finally..

James Cagney who never actually said.... 'You dirty rat'.

The cast in order of appearance...

Waxer SlugMadMunkMathias UncertainRangaKooHelenaCourtesy38GargleBlasterCIG WebGeekPippa

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