This is a Journal entry by Afgncaap5

July 8th: Harry Potter IV

Post 1


Guess what? Last night at my local book store, there was a "Harry Potter Party" with lots of games, contests, refreshments, and (when the clock struck 12:01) they would pass out the first copies of Harry Potter in the city! Anyway, there was a costume contest, and I entered. For some reason, I was the only one who thought to dress as a Dementor.

Anyway, I won the contest, and guess what the prize was: the *FIRST COPY OF HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE IN THE CITY*!!! I've never one anything as impressive as *THAT* before!
smiley - smiley

July 8th: Harry Potter IV

Post 2

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

WOW!! Congratulations are in order!!!

I saw a couple cute kids with purple lightning bolts on their foreheads, and I almost asked what they were for, but I was helping someone else at the time. Finding the Goblet of Fire book nestled safely and ready to be given a new home, I saw this mark on Harry's own forehead!!! And I put it all together!!! How SILLY I felt!!!

I thought I was pretty keen on what kids are into.. I guess I'm not afterall...

By the way!!! Hello!!! I'm Tabitha!!!

July 8th: Harry Potter IV

Post 3


Just read this entry,Affi.
Nice one that man smiley - smiley
Well done. A first edition too! Quick wrap it in cling film and deposit in a bank vault under maximum security for 50 years and then sell it for a fortune, one all the others have disintegrated into mulch in our world famous landfill sites! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - tongueout

July 8th: Harry Potter IV

Post 4


Are you crazy? I'm patiently reading it slowly, and am half-way through this book, so sealing it shut now would probably keep me awake at nights! No way am I going to stop reading it now! But thanks for worrying about my future investments. smiley - smiley

BTW, thanks for the congrats. I think the judges should've given first prize to one of the people dressed like Harry (there was a kid who looked *EXACTLY* like he does on the cover of the book. I know you hear people say that and not mean it, but the two could've been identical twins, for all I knew!).

BTW, how do I know that you're *REALLY* Tabitha, Dragonfly?

July 8th: Harry Potter IV

Post 5


Ok Affi, I admit it might have been a bit hasty of me.
Finish it first, then wrap it in cling film (or whatever you call it over there)! smiley - smiley

July 8th: Harry Potter IV

Post 6

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

You just KNOW I am REALLY Tabitha!!! smiley - tongueout

July 8th: Harry Potter IV

Post 7


I don't know anything! You'll never get it out of me!

Okay, once I finish reading it, I'll seriously consider wrapping it in something...maybe I can find a lamenation machine.

July 8th: Harry Potter IV

Post 8

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Oooo!!! Don't trust a lamenation machine!!! Not with your baby!!! It might turn into a Lamentation Machine, you know!!! smiley - smiley

That'd not be pretty...

July 8th: Harry Potter IV

Post 9


smiley - smiley (or should that be smiley - sadface?)

July 8th: Harry Potter IV

Post 10

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - sadface, I think, although I am really not familiar with that smiley...

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