This is a Journal entry by IAmATrampAndIDanceLikeAFrogInABlenderAndILikeIt
Swivel Chairs
IAmATrampAndIDanceLikeAFrogInABlenderAndILikeIt Started conversation Oct 29, 1999
Swivel Chairs (chairs that can rotate) are without a doubt one of the greatest innovations inoffice culture this century. And yet most people are scared of swiveling in public. When I started swiveling in my office they all looked at me as if i was strange. But i think that they are all closet swivelers. I am not ashamed. I love to spin in my chair. It makes me happy. Especcially when I am reading.
Or when I am drunk. But the best time is when you are waiting for your computer to load something. After all - what is a white cat and an evil man who is trying to overthrow the world without a swivel chair?
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Swivel Chairs
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