This is a Journal entry by IAmATrampAndIDanceLikeAFrogInABlenderAndILikeIt

Lung butter

Post 1


Lung Butter is the nasty stuff you get in your chest that you cough up in the mornings
so far these types have been spotted and verified
clear gak: the most common-slightly transparent and great for distance spitting
green gak:green foul tasting and derived from mucas:common when ill
yellow gak: can be a more severe form of green gak or can be the true
"lung butter" which is a result of smoking
orange bouncers:VERY rare - hard to hack up sometimes to the point of retching-usually a bright vibrant orange and as the nameimplies have been known to bounce
black gak:pure tar - many ciggeretes cause this particularly nasty type
choco gak:not a true type of lung-shite but a mixture of clear gak and recently eaten chocolate

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