This is a Journal entry by orangerocket

Goo v Alabaster

Post 1


I've just started playing around with alabaster - I quite like it, I think that after 2 years with Goo, I'm going to give it a go!(braces himself for backlash). smiley - winkeye

Backlash ;-)

Post 2

cafram - in the states.

After being an avid goo user for 2ish years, I switched to alabaster after the beeb arrived, just cos I was too lazy to switch back....the buttons are FAR more convenient than in goo, but the goo is so much nicer....after a two-month stint on alabaster I'm happy to say I'm back with goo, and appreciating it all the more smiley - biggrin

You may deviate for a while, even think that you like alabaster better, but you will come back - oh yes, you will come back smiley - winkeye

Backlash ;-)

Post 3


You are so right, yesterday, I switched back to Goo! It's a lot more pleasing to the eye - you need sunglasses if you look at Alabaster too long! Don't you think it's about time they gave us some more skin-options?

Backlash ;-)

Post 4

cafram - in the states.

Definately - I would love goo with the forum placements off know, on the top right, it'd be perfect! I wonder what their next option for skins will be?!

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