This is a Journal entry by I'm not really here

A day off

Post 1

I'm not really here

So I'm wondering what people do with their days off. I should probably do the housework and get on with the kitchen. We're trying to strip everything out, then force into the space the cupboards from a much larger kitchen. I'm a bit annoyed as a friend was supposed to be helping and she's avoiding me - to the extent that twice in the last month she opened my door and put a bag of stuff she was returning to me into the kitchen then fecked off again.

That infuriates me for two reasons - if she hasn't got time to come in LEAVE THE STUFF OUTSIDE. Otherwise all the dogs get set off and agitated.

IT'S ING RUDE. Especially as the first time she said she'd come in and talk about when she can do the kitchen.

If she didn't want to do it, she should have said so and I could have got a man in. This is going to take me forever. smiley - sadface

So anyway, with my day off I'm probably going to mean to do the housework then get on with the kitchen, but won't.

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