This is a Journal entry by I'm not really here

Conversation list full of big numbers

Post 1

I'm not really here

I will catch up, it's nice to see! But struggling to get through loads of work so I'm a bit behind.

I am sorry if I miss any of my 'regulars' the people who post lots all year round, I will catch up with you too. smiley - love

Conversation list full of big numbers

Post 2

You can call me TC

Don't worry - much of the journal stuff is pretty ephemeral. There are only a few which will still be relevant to read after Christmas. I can't tell you which is which, though - sometimes the jotting down of a little daily event sparks a really meaty discussion.

Conversation list full of big numbers

Post 3

I'm not really here

I'll read through them, I'm realy looking for the journals rather than comments, getting some weekends back very soon so I'll have more time for lounging around again. :D

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