This is a Journal entry by Jono
1984, November 16th Travel to France
Jono Started conversation Oct 5, 1999
Campbed Vernon drank a lot of water first thing (something I should have done the night before). Struggle up off the camp-bed, pee, dress and make a move for home. No time for early morning coffee with Henry (Henrietta Paterson-Knight) (another time perhaps?).
Nick (older brother) was in the back room in the flat at Whitehall Court. Mum went on at me about the Laing mother bit. Mum heard about last night's do and can't believe that I only stay out all night because I don't have a car, would never drink and drive if I had one and wouldn't pay for a taxi.
A bag had to be packed. But I had no time to do it so it wasn't a hassle. The less time you give to something then, the less hassle it is. I hate having two weeks to write an essay, give me a 3 hours exam any day!
Caroline (Milnes) returned my Pierre Cardin shirt (borrowed for the party the other night). I feel hurt that I could lend her my best shirt and have it come back an off pink/yellow! What does that say about her or what she thinks of me?
Work, old work at JWT. I'm running out of things to do. Fiona (my immediate boss) was busy on her Kellogg's job leaving me to my own devices. I'm too tired to be very enthusiastic. However, as was D.A.L might wally off somewhere. I seem to be getting a lax period before Christmas which may well lead me more convincingly astray.
Everyone's aware of my creative inclinations - Peter quotes it, Lindsay and I discuss it in the stairwell.
Fiona had required a Polo 1985 budget from me first. Joanna (Miles Colebrook, JWT MD's PA) jokingly threatened to put me down in her book for leaving early. I didn't want to miss my flight.
40ms from Berkeley Square to Heathrow. Duty Free. Plane then left an hour late. 40 mns to Paris. 30 mns to Austerlitz, Train to Limoges arrived 3.00am. Vicki is there to meet me.
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1984, November 16th Travel to France
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