This is a Journal entry by KB
The blackbird
KB Started conversation Oct 3, 2015
It's actually quite difficult to write an entry about the passing of Brian Friel.
I don't know what way to put it into words.
One of the oldest written poems we have in Ireland is about a blackbird. It has been published in lots of books, and I think there have been numerous translations. Carson did one, and I think Heaney did one, but when I think of the blackbird, I imagine it saying:
"Hey man, I'm just being a blackbird. I'm not doing anything special. I'm just doing blackbird-y things."
And I imagine Brian Friel saying: "Exactly. That's why we're all writing about you."
The blackbird
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Oct 12, 2015
You'll find my translation, if this is the poem you are thinking of, in the Edited Entry on blackbirds: A2715455.
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The blackbird
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