This is a Journal entry by fluffykerfuffle

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 1


smiley - space
last nite my sister, whom i just turned on to Terry Pratchett, told me he has early onset alzheimers...

smiley - erm

smiley - wah

...she had known for a while but only told me last nite as she knew how much he means to me and felt it might devastate me...

...too weary by the news, i did not log on to the internet last nite to research it... and only today started looking up the info...

is there a thread dedicated to this? how did i miss it? it was news in december... and evidently there was an interview on television with him about it fairly recently.

i would like to know the thread(s) and any links and also info on how i might view the interview or any other media stuff...

it is just not fair

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 2


Its not fair fluffy smiley - hug such a shame I wil look out some threads for you

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 3


There is one

Thats three for you


Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 4


smiley - space
merci smiley - brave

....going to check those out now and then i have to go to my counselling session but will be back later tonite... my tonite... 8 hours from now sorta kinda

wanna keep this thread alive to see if we can pick up anymore info, bobby... thank you so much for quick response smiley - smiley

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 5

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

He repeatedly points out that he's not yet dead and he still has a few books left in him. He's also trying to raise awareness of the illness and how badly it's funded and researched when compared to 'sexy' illnesses like cancer.

smiley - cheers

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 6


Its all part of the service and you are highly regarded this side of the pond Fluffy. smiley - hug

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 7


smiley - space
.. .. . nods . .. . ..

yeah... just read the three links Bob supplied... Terry's statement is true to the form for which we love him so smiley - smiley

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 8


Have you seen the new TV film 'colour of magic' in the states yet smiley - smiley

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 9


smiley - space
nooooo i noticed the reference and am trying to find out how to see it... sky one has trailers and showed it at easter but i didnt know about it till today

also... hogswatch wanna find that tooo

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 10


Only a walk round Sky tv Fluffy thats all I can find smiley - smiley

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 11

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

Hogfather's on DVD and TCOM will end up on DVD...even if samwise gamgee's not chinese smiley - cross

smiley - cheers

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 12


smiley - space
k k thanks t b falsename... dvd for hogfather... and waiting on another airing of tcom...

smiley - erm who is samwise gamgee?

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 13



The chap who played Twoflower was Sam (Samwise Gamgee - Frodos companion) in the Lord of The Rings Film(s). Terry originaly portrayed him as Oriental in the book (this might not make sence if you have not read the book yet).

Still for me it did not spoil the TV movie at all he was very good in the part.smiley - smiley

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 14


smiley - space
ahhh so!

>> this might not make sense if you have not read the book yet <<

oh i have read the book... in fact i have probably read it twice smiley - biggrin

and the thing is, just as in Douglas Adam's books, nothing will ever compare to Terry's writing... the turn of the phrase, the nuances, sheer genius!

so the movies stand alone and probably don't need to try to exactly mirror the books...

still, it woulda been nice, huh, if an asian fellow played Twoflower...

smiley - huh i mean... Terry musta made him asian for a reason...

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 15

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

what I shall refer to as the third book in the Twoflower trilogy takes place in the Agatean Empire, kind of Imperial China. In fact the story would not make sense were it otherwise. As this is Twoflower's home he must be Agatean, that is the Discworld version of Chinese.

smiley - cheers

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 16


smiley - space
smiley - erm ...could he be adopted?

let's go ask Terry! smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - run

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 17


smiley - space
aha!! smiley - biggrin

this is Terry expounding extroidinaire on many subjects and includes him referring to TwoFlower as 'an American Tourist' and that they made him American so that this movie would, unlike Hogfather, be considered legit by the American movies houses and be released here in America...

smiley - smiley

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 18


Thanks for the link fluffy smiley - magic

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 19

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

So they're not going to be making Interesting Times then I guess. I guess in the book he was a stereotype Japanese tourist. Americans would have understood that as they used to have them in WB cartoons

smiley - cheers

Terry Pratchett ?!

Post 20


smiley - space
>> tereotype Japanese tourist. Americans would have understood that as they used to have them in WB cartoons <<

smiley - rofl Mr Falsename... he he he... there actually is a basis and reason for the Japanese tourist stereotype outside of WB cartoons ...they really dooooooo take a lot of pictures!!

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