This is a Journal entry by almaak - appalled by bad taste

i'm sorry to say...

Post 1

almaak - appalled by bad taste

that some of the journal entries will be not in english, but english is not my native language. so perhaps i'd probably need some time to translate them smiley - smiley

i'm sorry to say...

Post 2


Hi alnasl smiley - smiley Welcome to h2g2!

A quick word about posting things in languages other than English - from the House Rules:

"Postings or entries containing languages other than English may be removed. Because we have to ensure we understand a Posting or Guide Entry before we can pass it, languages other than English may have to be removed. It's also polite when posting to a Conversation to stick to the same language as the other Postings in that Conversation; posting something in a different language halfway through is not very constructive."

I don't mean to come here spouting rules at you, but I didn't want you to be offended if something you had spent time writing (like your other journal entry for instance) should suddenly disappear. Generally if you can translate they will repost your translation for you, no harm done.

I hope you're enjoying h2g2 and finding your way around alright. If you have questions or need help just ask! smiley - ok


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