This is a Journal entry by Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

My Big Red Button

Post 21

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Noooo...*my* spare tire. Not my car's. smiley - blush A slow accumulation that crept up on me while I wasn't paying attention.

My Big Red Button

Post 22


So, if you walked everywhere instead of driving, would you be rolling on your spare tire?smiley - biggrin

My Big Red Button

Post 23


If you worked within cycling distance you could lose it.

My Big Red Button

Post 24

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

I work and live on opposite sides of the city (since my office moved smiley - steam)

My Big Red Button

Post 25


smiley - lurk Hunt the Big Red Button--sounds like a fun game. smiley - tongueout

My Big Red Button

Post 26


"It's Behind You!"


My Big Red Button

Post 27

Researcher 556780

smiley - laugh

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