This is a Journal entry by Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

A topical joke for today.

Post 1

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

An oldie but goodie for gthis day, 25th Jan...

Charles Windsor is visiting a hospital. He's shown into a ward, approaches a patient and says,
"Hello. And how long have you been a patient?"
And the guy in the bed says,
"Fair fa' yr honest, sonsie face!"
"Oh, jolly good..." says HRH, somewhat confused and moves to the next bed. "And are you a patient too?"
"O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us!" comes the reply.
Totally perplexed now he moves onto the next bed.
"Wee cowrin' timrous beastie!" says the patient.
Chuck turns to the hospital official accompanying him.
"I say, I can’t understand a word these chaps are saying. What is this? The psychiatric ward?"
"No," comes the reply, "It’s the Burns unit."

Make sure you celebrate with a spot of Houghmagandie!

A topical joke for today.

Post 2


What's this then? Spamming again? smiley - winkeye

A topical joke for today.

Post 3

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Welll...I guess haggis and spam have pretty much the same ingredients...

A topical joke for today.

Post 4


Had a good haggis with tats & neeps in Rothesay back in Sept smiley - drool

There once was a Marquess of Bute
Who found himself loaded with loot
So he spent it philandering
With women, meandering
From house to ill house of repute

A topical joke for today.

Post 5


Well you will be pleased to hear i have been spreading the Queen's Inglish far & wide. I have now taught 4 Belgians, 2 danes, a Finn & a frenchman to say "Jolly good old chap, spiffing, tip-top, smashing!"

Tomorrow's lesson is probably "Good grief! Crumbs! i say, do mind where you are pointing that thing my good fellow."


A topical joke for today.

Post 6

Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday..

The Duchess of Cornwall is supposed to be "going in" for an op "down there".
Doubtless another Charles von Windsor hospital joke in the pipeline!

A topical joke for today.

Post 7

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

>>"going in" for an op "down there".

Where? Australia?

Have you heard of an Aussie kiss? It's just like a French kiss, only delivered down under.

A topical joke for today.

Post 8

Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday..

That's a good one. I hadn't heard it.

To be fair to Camilla it's an hysterectomy she's down for. Actually it's in quite bad taste for me to make hospital jokes as my sister is having a kidney removed even as we chat. Serious.

A topical joke for today.

Post 9

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

eek! I hope she's got a backup.

I guess the thing about Queen Camilla having a Hizzie in the Hozzie ( (c) Dame Edna) is that Chuck will no longer need to be her tampon...

A topical joke for today.

Post 10


Enough! Desist!

A topical joke for today.

Post 11

Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday..

Re "eek!" Ed,
Yup, she's ok in that respect. And I'm sure she's in good hands. Cheers!

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