This is a Journal entry by Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.
Scuba diver...
Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. Started conversation Jun 17, 2007
Well, thanks to Marple Carnival yesterday, I have now added two more members to our every growing menagerie. We are now the proud owners of two goldfish, Fluffy (which seems a bit of an odd name, but then K is only 4 ), and Lolly. We now have to go to the pet shop to get the various bits and bats to go with them
Hubby thinks I'm going to start a badger sancturay next - I've not told him about my plans for the bottom end of the garden
to Stockport
I just hope they survive the weekend and the
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Scuba diver...
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