This is a Journal entry by Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

Monday 22nd

Post 1

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

I'm knackered. Arrived back at 2.00 am from dropping Junior Beakerlets back in Manchester. Looking forward to a decent night's sleep at some point this week, although now EV has introduced compulsory sex rule into squad members training this might have to be foregone. If all goes well however, this means that I'd have a decent reason to be tired instead of the usual 'went to bed late because couldn't be bothered going earlier..'

Monday 22nd

Post 2

Drool Frood the Second

I agree.I'm cream crackered as wel but its from BOREDOM nothing else!!
Since I've only got a few weeks left before I'm put on the dole I have nothing to do at work.Thank God for H2g2 I wold be going mad otherwise.
How many beakerlets have you got?

Monday 22nd

Post 3

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

I've got two, from previous incarnation as brow-beaten husband (eek!) until I became surplus to requirements!!!!

Monday 22nd

Post 4

Drool Frood the Second

I've had enough for today.Speak to you tomorrow

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