This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Cambridge 2

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Have had a very nice sleep

cup of tea and then a decision to be made as to how to spend the morning. I will probably stay here as have time to walk at lunchtime between events

Cambridge 2

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

It is likely that I will have to spend the night atsme airport or other. I have had a really good day and I just have to see this through whatever happens. Bill and chris are together on a train somewhere and lizzie holed up with finn

Cambridge 2

Post 3


Oh poor you, WR! I hoped to catch you after the JW talk this afternoon, but didn't see you. I do hope your journey home isn't as bad as you fear.

Cambridge 2

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

Hi, I had to dash for the train. Just as I got to the airport I got a text to say that the plane was cancelled. I headed into London to see if I could get a sleeper but they were all full so I have booked into a hotel and hope to head north by train in the morning. It was lovely to see you and I very much enjoyed the day.

Cambridge 2

Post 5

MV Whitby May Rose

I saw the tree because I panicked and got a taxi as was worried re walk being too long and he went up Mill Rd. I realised that it is the area my friend lived in for years. She was in Catharine Street. It is lovely isn't it? ( the tree I mean)

Cambridge 2

Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Wow, it must be bad there. I hope you had a good sleep and can get back to Porridgeland today.

Cambridge 2

Post 7


Oh well, I'm glad there was one positive point at least! I also have friends who used to live in Catharine Street - all those little streets off Mill Road are very nice, and now very desirable properties.

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