This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

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MV Whitby May Rose

I cant remember how much I said last night

I went to Armistead Maupin ( and bought his most recent book). I then met Lizzie and took her for a celebration meal which was lovely.

We walked back to the hotel and she got a taxi from there

I slept until 6.15 and got up and got the tube to Hyndland ASC to see the work that won the award. It was fab and I took loads of photos.

We got a taxi to the conference. It was really good and I knew loads of people and chatted a lot about Play First.

Afterwards I went to a cafe in Princes Sq and sat and did some marking over a cup of tea.

I then went and treated myself to the candle from Jo Malone that I have wanted for ages and also a hankie from Vivienne Westwood. The packaging in both cases is super. I think I will keep them wrapped up and give them to myself at Christmas.

Met Marian and went to the Spanish restaurant that we went to last year and then I caught the train back to Stirling and drove home

I am very worried about getting away as the snow is so bad.

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