This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Great excitement

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Im so chuffed as I have got an interview for the OU.

Have done all the things I said i would do and now need to go and pack.

I am still feeling really stressed despite having done everything on my list. This is ridiculous. The only change to my plan is that I am now going to drive as far as Stirling and leave the car there. It gives me more choice on trains both today and tomorrow night

Took Finn for a walk on The Inch. Boy it was cold.

Great excitement

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

smiley - magic
smiley - bubbly
smiley - biggrin
smiley - ok

It's hot here, was very warm and sunny at Khwezi Park but the place where I stay has terrific wind. I've got a slight head because of Shake 'n' Vac, I will avoid having it again.

Great excitement

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Thank You darling

Another one to avoid is Lush the soap shop. Oh boy does it induce a headache.

off to pack for going to Glasgow.

Have a nice rest of the day

Great excitement

Post 4


Lush is a vile-smelling shop. Unfortunately in Cambridge it's in an enclosed arcade, so you can't escape from it - I feel very sorry for the people who work in the Body Shop next door!

Great excitement

Post 5

MV Whitby May Rose

I will try to avoid it on Saturday annie. You can smell the Glasgow one tight down the street

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