This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

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Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I've got a morning at home which is good as I won't be home until 10pm

I will take Finn for a walk or two and do some marking I think. I've worked out which work I will take to Glasgow and Cambridge. I will also get all my things ready for each trip. Minimal packing in both cases.

I need to go to town to get coffee for Marian as well.

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Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Ive had a good morning and done everything I needed to apart from going for the coffee.

I am still feeling a bit stressed and down as I have been since I got back from Spain ( not because I wanted to be in Spain but because of the pressure on my time at the moment I think)but better than I was yesterday when I had real physical stress symptoms.

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Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Have got to meeting in Thornhill too early. Weird to think that last time I was here was the night before Richard went. I've just been to the flat to get the last few things.

It has been a good day although I'm very tired.

Will be home by 10 and then have a morning at home tomorrow

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