This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Wide awake

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Got home about 8.30 and had tea, faffed on Internet and took dog out.

I woke up before 4 which is a bit dire. I will have to be out of the house by this time tomorrow

busy and long day today. Falkirk most of the day, then through to Cumbernauld and then Stirling late afternoon and evening.

Wide awake

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

2 of todays activities down 5 to go. Got 5 folders in this am so lots of marking to do.

The next few weeks are very busy

Wide awake

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Home again after a very busy day

Im having a bit of down time before finishing off my packing

The weather has been dire today so Im hoping that it is going to be nice in malaga

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